September 13, 2009 journal, what was before Healthcare, Education, Cars, TV, income-tax, the Federal Reserve, marriage and a public job? Peace in the valley. Glenn Beck's personal tea-party in Washington has drawn out thousands with signs to protest government takeover of health care. My goodness, government did that a long time ago. The federal government controls pharmaceuticals & Medicare so, what else is there to control about sickness or health? The state licenses all of the doctors. Most of our nonperishable basic foods are spoiling with worms and weevils coming from no where to contaminate, if we hoard up food for crisis we're not sure it will be any good. Walter Cronkite speaking to the University of California at Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism said-"The Internet is a frightful danger to all of us". Dear old Walter knew the Internet would let the secrets out, he knew which side his bread was buttered on for sure. All major journalist work for and are controlled by those mega Magnets on Wall Street. They are trained to make news according to what people want and not what is best or never the truth. What you hear on the major networks is artificial made for profit news. Secret hidden information under "Judaism" exposed in the following website.